Antique Writing Slope Lap Desk with “Missing Guts”

I’m a sucker for wood inlay! Recently purchased a box from someone who purchased it about twenty years ago from a vendor in Memphis, Tennessee. The box had stunningly beautiful wood inlay of various woods – the time spent to do this must have been staggering. What is a true cost of any box – the timeContinue reading “Antique Writing Slope Lap Desk with “Missing Guts””

The Box the “Moths” Got To

When I first spotted this Antique Lap Desk, what caught my eye was its “character” – simple but remarkably beautiful desk box. It had one big issue though, the slope appeared to be eaten by moths a long time ago. Its felt wool surface was pitted with a number of holes, and people don’t usuallyContinue reading “The Box the “Moths” Got To”

The Box that Needed “Work”

As usual, TheBoxBoss is constantly scanning all known places for unique boxes that bring the love of history out in his customers/clients. Found a unique Victorian Rosewood Lap Desk/Slope and the seller said it needed “work”. It was unusually short explanation for such a desk, but the price was right and it looked on the surface that itContinue reading “The Box that Needed “Work””